For robust and engaging learning experiences, GRADS-4C educational protocols leverage and build upon resources from NIH AnVIL, Genomic Data Science Community Network (GDSCN), and other projects. Work within GRADS-4C includes identifying and, when needed, further configuring and developing educational resources for methods, resources and training workflows within a cloud-based environment.
Computing Essentials
GRADS-4C protocol materials provide guidance and instruction in computing essentials and computational notebooks within cloud-computing environments, and are oriented upon shell commands and the python and R programming languages.
Types of Biological and Biomedical Data
Protocol materials are being developed to encompass various types of biological and biomedical data, both for how different aspects of biological systems can be analyzed and for how the variety of data files, formats and common databases can be accessed and processed.
Putting it all Together
Advanced instruction with protocol materials for the areas of genomics, data science and cloud computing includes topics of computing environment configuration, quality control of biotechnological data, QIIME2, Bioconductor, and tools for descriptive and predictive modeling. Customizable computational notebooks are provided to participants to guide them through example problem sets and help faculty and students initiate their own research experience training projects.