John C. Teleha is an Associate Professor and the Special Projects / Engineering Librarian at North Carolina Agricultural & Technical State University’s F.D. Bluford Library. He has worked in libraries for almost forty (40) years, beginning as a work-study student in Circulation at Case Western Reserve University’s Sears Library. After obtaining his BS in Geological Sciences from CWRU and his MLIS in Library and Information Science from Kent State University, he has worked for almost thirty (30) years at F.D. Bluford Library, rising from Instructor and the Evening Librarian, through Assistant Professor and the Head of Reference and Information Literacy, to his current Rank and Position. He currently serves on The Graduate Council and is a CREO Affiliate. He has Chaired several of NCA&TSU’s university-level committees, including the University Reappointments Promotions and Tenure Committee (twice) and the Faculty Reassigned Time Committee (four times). His role as Engineering Librarian led him to join (almost 30 years ago) the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) and their Engineering Libraries Division (ELD). He became the first ELD member to Chair an ASEE committee when he led the Merriam/Wiley Distinguished Author Award Committee. After chairing the ELD Awards Committee, he was elected to the 4-year officer track for ELD, surviving “the gauntlet” of Secretary/Treasurer, Program Chair/Chair Elect, Division Chair, and Past-Chair/Nominations Chair.
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Research Focus
Teleha has co-authored three peer-reviewed articles since 2017. His fourth co-authored publication is a peer-reviewed book chapter, published electronically in November 2022 and in print in 2023.His research interests include student success, assessment of student learning, the scholarship of teaching & learning, digital equity, engineering information literacy, lifelong learning, cybersecurity, and demonstrating the research impact of individuals or programs.
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Affiliate Investigator