Dr. Scott Harrison is a faculty member within the Department of Biology at North Carolina A&T State University. Dr. Harrison has an interdisciplinary background both from his academic training and ongoing scholarly activities. Dr. Harrison has undergraduate degrees in Computer Science and Microbiology, and a doctoral degree in Microbiology and Molecular Genetics from Michigan State University, along with postdoctoral training in areas of bacterial genomics, systematics and cancer proteomics. Dr. Harrison's laboratory team aspires to develop and implement biotechnological and bioinformatics workflows to allow for integrative modeling approaches drawing from multiple lines of evidence. Addressing a need to integrate targeted model-based studies of organisms and pathways with more comprehensive treatments of life's diversity, he has pursued analyses across diverse varieties of organisms.
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Research Focus
Dr. Harrison’s research interests are for conducting analyses of microbial genomics, physiology, and health. This work is becoming increasingly transdisciplinary due to the number of growing cross-connections between these areas of study, relating especially well to ongoing advancements in biotechnology and the emergent fields of microbiome science and implementation science. His research in biological data analysis has been extensively comparative across pathway networks and phenotypic associations, with a goal to increase the speed and frequency by which computational analysis interfaces with experimental investigation.
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Principal Investigator